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Welcome to Northwest Neurosurgery

Dr. Jun Kim Neurosurgeon

Meet Dr. Jun Kim

Dr Jun Kim is an Australasian trained Neurosurgeon who received his medical degree from the University of New South Wales in 2008. After completing his internship and residency at Westmead Hospital he undertook advanced neurosurgical training at multiple units around Australia and New Zealand including the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland Children’s Hospital, John Hunter hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Wellington Hospital in New Zealand. He received the fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2019 and completed a 6-month fellowship at Westmead Hospital in general Neurosurgery. Following this he undertook an advanced clinical fellowship in cerebrovascular and skull base surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, one of the largest Academic institutions in North America. During this time, he was mentored by Professors Babu Welch, Sam Barnett and Hunt Batjer who is one of the world leaders in cerebrovascular surgery. He then undertook a 6-month advanced clinical fellowship in paediatric neurosurgery at the Children’s Medical Centre in Dallas, Texas gaining valuable experience in the management of paediatric brain tumors and spina bifida. Dr. Kim is active in research and teaching and has published in the areas of head injury, neuro-oncology, epilepsy and cerebrovascular disorders. He serves as a reviewer for prestigious journals such as Neurosurgery and Operative Neurosurgery and is involved in the teaching of medical students and trainees. He is a clinical lecturer at the University of Sydney. He is a member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), Neurosurgical Society of Australasia (NSA), American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and serves on the international committee for the North American Skull Base society (NASB) as well as the organising committee for the Stereotactic interest group of Australia (SIGA). Dr. Kim is committed to the safe and effective care of his patients. He will take the time to listen and explain the various treatment options and guide the patients and their families through what can be an extremely challenging journey.

Dr. Kim performs minimally invasive and complex robotic spinal surgery.  ​

Conditions Treated

Dr. Kim has a special interest in the treatment of brain tumours in both adults and children including gliomas, meningiomas, pituitary tumors and vestibular schwannomas.

He is fellowship trained in minimally invasive endoscopic skull base surgery as well as complex cerebrovascular disorders including brain aneurysms and AV malformations.

He performs minimally invasive and complex robotic spinal surgery.

Dr. Kim sees patients in his rooms at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, Westmead private hospital, Norwest private hospital and at the Bathurst specialist medical centre.

Dr. Kim has a public appointment at Westmead adults and Childrens hospitals.

He operates at Westmead private hospital, Sydney Adventist hospital and at Norwest private hospital.

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